Greetings, Welcome to!

Academic Interests

My name is Ruizhe Zheng and this is my personal website, Welcome!

As of Fall 2020, I am a Junior ECE student studying at Carnegie Mellon University;
My current interest is in both Embedded and Software technologies and has been actively taking courses in both departments;
I am aspired to learn more in Distributed Systems, Operating Systems, IOT, Embedded Systems, and networks;

I have also finished my Minor in Computer Science as of Jun 2020;

Project Descriptions & My Github ;

Note that due to Carnegie Mellon's Integrity Policy, you may have to email me to view some of my course projects;
Sorry for the inconvenience; (Non-course projects are opensource of course)

Resume (PDF & Download) ;

You can view and download my resume from this page;

Major Courses Taken:

15-213: Introduction to Computer Systems
17-214: Principles of Software Construction
15-440: Distributed Systems
15-441 (Ongoing): Computer Networks
10-301: Introduction to Machine Learning

Personal Life & Hobbies